25 ancient, SCINTILLATING, FORGOTTEN AND RED HOT “secret shamianic” ways to BUST HIS BALLS until he begs for mercy and NEVER asks for sexual favors again!
Benefits (for the dominant WOMAN that loves to bust balls!)
Remove all FEAR of ball busting you might have had, and proceed with GAY ABANDON!
Humiliate and emasculate him like never before. Remember, you’re taking control of his very manhood – more than the COCK, the balls are where his seed is produced, and much like with sissygasms, once you control his sexual desire and appendages, you control HIM!
Feel SHEER POWER – CONTROL – like never before coursing through your VEINS, ladies, as you see men drop like FLIES in front of you! Believe me, the feeling is indescribable. You CANNOT get this from any other form of femdom (except perhaps the mental aspect of it).
Take your female dominated relationship to the next level.
You’ll have a great way to PUNISH him for infractions, work not done properly, or just about anything. Perfect Madam Ann and Garima Madam for one were GREAT at this!
Once you bust his balls, and show him the POWER you have to do so? He’ll never talk back to you again!
Use this as a tool to increase your overall humiliation of him – especially public! I don’t know why, but Madam SLAPPED me more in public once she started busting my bollocks privately more!
Mentally condition yourself that he’s your slave, NOT your lover – and is there to be USED.
Ball busting is a great way to also condition yourself and him for CUCKOLDING – which is a natural progression. After all, his balls are busted, but we all know that doesn’t do it, ladies! Sometimes, ladies need to be RAVAGED too to get all that horniness out!!
Recognize the sheer POWER you as a WOMAN have over ANY male, even if its just physically – those dangling bits make it so easy to hurt a man, and once you recognize and FEEL the sheer POWER coursing through your veins as you watch him DROP, there is NO going back.
And a lot, lot more!
Benefits (for the submissive MALE!)
Remove any and ALL fear of your “delicate parts” being BUSTED as you so want and DESERVE – and proceed with GAY ABANDON mixed in with caution!
Be humiliated and emasculated like never before. Believe me, once you know she has the POWER of your BOLLOCKS, you’ll treat her differently and will never think of her as “just a woman” any more!
Recognize the sheer POWER all women have over MEN – simply the POWER to bust their balls – that dangling man bit makes it so easy for them to control you not just mentally as they already do, but physically too!
Expand your pain threshold like NEVER BEFORE. Once you can take ball torture (done right), you’ll never go back – and everything else will be a BREEZE.
Recognize your true place as life as her SLAVE and plaything, and recognize your balls weren’t meant for pleasure, and best of all, give yourself up to her like never before! Again, the sheer position where you’re AT HER MERCY – you’ll understand what I mean! Lock, stock and BARREL – emphasis on the last!
Although the pain will be intense, you’ll experience PLEASURE like never before (if you’re a pain aficionado!). Bollock busting takes PAIN AND PLEASURE to another level altogether, and gives it another MEANING altogether.
Learn how to NEVER demand any sort of sexual favors from her, while giving HER all the sexual favors she wants and needs, and allowing HER sexual freedom – because believe me, if you DO demand – that ball is waiting there to be SMASHED, boy! And it’s not even “if she does”. The POWER she has TO DO IT, and when you FEEL HER DO it, even ONCE, that is matters. Get on the program, and you’ll see!
Never worry about having to have “real man” sex with her. This is a very real worry for most of you submissive men out there who would do ANYTHING to avoid “real man sex”. Once the bollocks are regularly pulverized, both you and her will never want or think of real man sex from or with YOU!
Take your submission to the next level. Believe me, the physical aside, ball busting is great , great mental conditioning tool for both the lady and man!
And last, but not least, the obvious.
This course isn’t for “starters” or those looking to dabble in femdom.
This course isn’t for those NOT into pain – even if you ARE into pain, I’d recommend you to be damn sure you WANT this before signing up!
It’s for SUPER ADVANCED femdom lovers who truly are into REAL FEMDOM as opposed to wanking on the Internet which many men are, unfortunately, TRULY HANDING over ALL control to her – mentally and physically.
Well, my friend, I’ve said my bit. Now the rest it up to you.
And so, I leave you to order this – now!
Mike Watson
PS – Write back and share your tales as to how this worked for YOU – and I’ll share ’em with the world!
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