Pooja Memsahib … JI! Volume TWO

Well, well .. well!

CRAVEN SUBMISSION as you saw in the first book – taken a whole another level!

It is just me, or are Goddesses’s soles on the front page literally TALKING TO YOU, SNEERING at you?


And down I went, in front of many other things other than just feet and soles if you get my drift!

EXTREME worship in ALL Forms in this Second Volume of Pooja Memsahib … JI!

And again, I’m just getting started.


Mike Watson

PS – Are there any lengths I would NOT go to for Pooja Memsahbib?

I think NO. And every true femdom lover will – and SHOULD – understand!

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Domination like never before!

25 ODES to Perfect Pooja Memsahib …. JI! ….. and ……

25 Odes to a true GODDESS and imperious force of NATURE.

Asian Femdom Compilation – Meeting Ms. Chen, Owned by Madam Aa Ling, The double agent, 25 million dollars, Serving Ann and Madam Carrie!

“A man’s place is always under a womans foot, and you better understand that, BOY!” A NINE IN ONE VALUE Includes – Meeting Ms. Chen (critically acclaimed!) Owned by Madam Aa Ling (very well received too!) The Double Agent (a classic indeed!) 25 million dollars (a tale of deception and FEMDOM…) Serving Ann (another classic!!) …

16 INCREDIBLY POWERFUL Femdom Affirmations

Attract the dominant lady of your dreams – or the TRULY SUBMISSIVE MALE you’ve always WANTED – with NO conscious effort! Attract TRUE femdom to YOU – NATURALLY-  with NO conscious effort! 16 Practical tips you can start using NOW to attract femdom into your life rightaway.  Default (INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOAD!) – $49.99 Spanish Version- Instant Digital Download! – $99.99 Paperback – $149.99 Purchase Checkout …

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