15 MORE odes to ROYAL GODDESS Bhagwati Devi

I’ve been redued to a GIBBERING MESS, but here we go –

15 MORE odes to a royal force of nature like no other that makes me QUIVER with UNSATED – forever – SUBMISSIVE – supplicant, female Goddess like LUST – when I see her.

She is a queen incarnate. You will NEVER look at femdom and dominant women the same again after reading this, this book has the potential, if you let it, to change your life forever.

If it changed Mike Watson (well known as the “creme la da creme” of REAL AND LASTING femdom)’s life forever in a manner he never ever imagined, well, it will change yours too.

Just CAVE in to the dominant woman, my friend, and accept life under her grime, dirt and dust. Accept her NATURAL ORDER as the holy Goddess she is.

Thats all there is to say – enjoy!


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Invest in these world class courses too my friend, sink to NEW levels of devotion to the superior FEMALE WITH EACH ONE!


. . . and how LEARNING from these experiences can benefit YOU the prospective femdom enthusiast (male or female!)

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Attract the dominant lady of your dreams – or the TRULY SUBMISSIVE MALE you’ve always WANTED – with NO conscious effort! Attract TRUE femdom to YOU – NATURALLY-  with NO conscious effort! 16 Practical tips you can start using NOW to attract femdom into your life rightaway.  Default (INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOAD!) – $49.99 Spanish Version- Instant Digital Download! – $99.99 Paperback – $149.99 Purchase Checkout …

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