Little pee pee…

On another business I co own, we fired a (secretly) gay guy for utter laziness , lack of results and rank incompetence.

He’s a real cuckold, the type I write about so much. Haha.

He’s been working for me for free since then by spreading news about me, usually false, but true as well – and responding to each single comment I make on social media for years. He even goes to the effort of finding each thread i comment upon, even those completely unrelated to him.

What a good boy.

Just one more “obsessed” troll.

Exactly what is required, hehe.

He’d really go berserk if he knew about THIS business.


Life’s good X

You know, this guy is a typical frustrated man who lives on a woman that Naturally doesn’t respect him. Why would she.

No woman really respects cucks! Neither should she.

You know what’s really terrible – a lot of these cucks do want their women in bed with other men.

Then the girls do it. Then the men have ego issues and complain.


Like I said in Cuck Central.

Guys, be very sure mentally first. Mote importantly – SHE needs to be into it FIRST. You can’t pysop her into doing it “for you”. Like my ex who said she’d happily show another man her boobs for me. But I didn’t want her to! Hehe.

You can NOT just jump to the juicy parts in real life. No pun. Neither can you agree and then complain about it, that’s not on. Unfortunately so many loser guys are like that. Ugh!

That only works fiction wise in the hotter than hot book Cuckold Compilations. Get it NOW.

As I write about in my book “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China“, and 16 Incredibly powerful Femdom affirmations that will attract TRUE femdom to you like MOTHS to a FLAME on auto pilot (these two books go TOGETHER!!!), true submissiveness is not about being a doormat. Noone likes that. Every woman wants a real man no matter how dominating she is. That’s far better! A man that fights for her. Provides. And treats her like the Queen and Goddess she is overall.

He is upset about Bhagwati and me laughing at him.

Because he can’t afford a maid. Not that she’s really a maid. She orders me most of the time anyway. As y’all know.

He tries to insult her because we are in bed together. But she just laughs at him and he hates it. Secretly loves it.

He complains about being called a cuck and doesn’t understand it sometimes just means “loser”. Hehe.

Men are so stupid.

I call him “Little Pee Pee” because…well, its true. It’s tiny!

But it’s great.

Promotes me for free everywhere, literally works for me.


And that’s the update now.

If you aren’t following me on X as yet, kindly do so now …

And that’s that.


Mike Watson

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