Quite literally this time as a diva like younger Indian maid literally, extended her lovely foot that I look at so offer as she is in that nigh ROYAL and profound pose – best and ONE foot forward that women so LOVE – my!!! …
I didn’t even get it the first time despite thinking about it so much.
Truly manifestation on auto pilot works in its own way when you least expect it. Hehe.
Rather than wax lyrical here I did on X.
You lovely people reading this will want to follow both my accounts there. Lots there that isn’t here, despite our two sites admittedly having more real world knowledge and information that actually WORKS on fetish than any other resource out there has or probably EVER will.
Just read the following thread and the comments. Remember this is a work in progress and will continually be UPDATED!
After reading that?
Follow if you so choose but you really should if you’re serious about fetish and femdom in general.
And as you already know, Indian maids,my.
Just my!!
You’ll never look or think about Femdom the same way again once you experience THEIR so innate dominance!
And you’ll really have no choice unless you’re NOT a true Femdom lover – my , even auto correct capitalizes the first letter of that, something I don’t personally do as it’s meaningless really … In which case you should not be on the list anyway or the site – but to pick up the wondrous and erotically charged odes to them here!
I could literally write not just 25, but 100000 odes to these gorgeous women a day and never get tired.
It still wouldn’t suffice or be enough!
And that’s that.
Mike Watson
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