This is worth a read first…
Really. You gotta read that to understand the context of my response to an interesting comment on X.
We will leave the name of the lady private…(She’s a findomina).
Me –
Happened all the time to me when a certain Sophia got irritated with me.
“No, you fool!!” She would yell.
My, indeed a turn on! Haha
And –
It’s more genuine when you’re angry. That’s the reason. Vibes. 😉
Hehe. But it’s true!
I’ve said this galore – words have nil impact mostly when said without the right vibe, or at least NOT the intended impact.
It’s the VIBE that counts.
When Madams REALLY angry – she kicks the servant away with PASSION!
As opposed to a role play . . .
Which can be great if done professionally and if she or her gets in the right headspace FIRST. Pity a lot don’t.
But, like I keep saying at the start of all my novels and rightly so my friend – nothing beats real life mixed in with a dab of creative license – NOT the other way around as most do. No pun even intended!
You cannot fake real and you simply can’t fake vibes. It’s that simple.
Of course, certain idiots like Gabriella then have their so called alpha male come out replying with tripe like “I don’t need to be talked to like that” or “why are always so rude to me”.
Because you like, need, crave and therefore deserve it, you fool.
Speaking specifically to Gabriella here, rightly locked up, literally behind bars in all ways – very deservedly so.
We will touch on that later – no pun.
But for now, that’s that.
Have at.
Mike Watson
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