Yet another reason my femdom, especially the BOOKS AND MANUALS hit home SO!

Long answer to a short question there? Well, because I depict what happens in real life – not fantasy worlds!

My old publisher had this policy of “keeping one foot in the real world” while writing, and they were RIGHT.

Except, I took, and always have taken it to another level altogether – I keep both feet in the real world. You that love my femdom books would have seen what I keep referring to in my books, signature and so forth – “real life mixed in with a dab of creative license, NOT the other way around!”

That brand of intense femdom, INTENSE domination (as a certain Irene once put it, she was right too!! Hehe) – is NOT for everyone.

It’s only for REAL femdom lovers.

It hits home – because it expounds upon vibes and the MINDSET – rooted in REAL LIFE – which keeps this world going around!

Words, pictures, all of those help.

Without the vibe though, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – all so useless.


As we get our great Youtube Channel up to speed (you’ll DEFINITELY Want to subscribe to this one! – we’ve been late starting, but we’re gathering FULL STEAM AHEAD!!) – Paula has been leaving some great reviews on our books, which (some of them) are already up on the channel.

Here is the latest she did for Sophia Bai –

Anyway. you’ll want to subscribe to the channel if you have not already. And leave comments – so long as it’s not spam, we love ’em all ! (and a huge thank you again to the Countess i.e Paula whose “relentless” emails on why her comments weren’t working prompted me to change a very long standing policy I’ve had for all my businesses on Youtube thus far “comments disabled”, mostly to keep trolls and spam out, but I changed it Paula – right decision so thank you for the indirect spur on that one, much deserved, no pun intended!).

“What a pity i cannot leave commentary!” I still remember her saying.

well, thats rectified now, but she asked me another GREAT question today, about one of the videos I uploaded to the site – a very popular indeed Pakistani femdom clip – but to be honest, I had no idea that one would garner as many watches as it has!

Can you translate me the video in your Youtube Channel “One of the best and most classic Pakistani femdom”,
please, because it has not translation and I want to put my opinion in my comment. Thanks in advance.

At first glance, I was like “man, now I gotta explain ALL that in terms she understands!”

But I quickly realized how she loves my books, how she is trying to truly understand the setting, the psychology that makes all this work – and like her intuitive and analytical reviews (yes, both in the same vein are possible) – I so truly appreciate that Paula!

And since it’s a question many of you might have, especially in the “West” here is what I told her – truly another femdom tutorial from yours truly!

Hi Paula,

Thanks for the “Sophia Bai” video – interesting how you put the stock market as a background for that video, Madam was and is VERY interested in  MONEY! Hehe. Seems you picked up (correctly) on that vibe too. Hehe. So you should! 😉

Anyway – your question – an interesting one this! That clip (Pakistani femdom) is from some TV show. I dont watch TV – I have not had a TV in my house for years upon years, but women often watch it, and well … so I know the little I do in that regard, haha. To truly understand and appreciate the humiliation – implicit or not in that video, you’ve got to understand one thing -the culture in the subcontinent is very different from what it is in most other places. Servants are literally even till this date treated as slaves – even the language in India has a different way of addressing “superiors” – “equals” and “inferiors” – with the tones etc added in!

Asians (East Asians) to an extent understand this, but that part of the world – things have changed since 1940 or so. It is nothing like what it is today in the subcontinent, servants are literally treated as “slaves” – if you read the book “The White Tiger“, you may get some idea on this – or what you read in “Serving an Indian Goddess” – and some of my other femdom books which are (rightly) labeled by some as REAL femdom, albeit extreme – and REAL humiliation, delving DEEP into the person’s PYSCHE and subconscious … that is how life is for the most part for servants in India, Pakistan and the subcontinent in general!

As I keep saying in my books, “unfortunate but true” – yet that reality makes fetish even more powerful, and the dom-sub scenarios even more realistic and therefore much more of a turn on for REAL FEMDOM LOVERS!

My, that video, I’ve got plenty of other clips like that though, pretty routine for the subcontinent, the Philippines to an extent is likely like this too, but nowhere near as extreme I believe.

These links may help you, along with my books understand the true “Extent” of this in the subcontinent – “Off with you, BOY!” – Spicy and Erotic Fetish – and – Ma Ji, Paye Lagu! – Spicy and Erotic Fetish

W.r.t the video on my channel, now I wrote about that here – This is what all WOMEN should be like! – Spicy and Erotic Fetish  … the exact words are hard to translate, but to understand it better you have to understand in addition to what I said above – THIS  “sage” bit an S.O. once told me (I knew it, but …) “women are each other’s worst enemies”, which is true – some of the worst, indeed most of the worst cases of abuse against domestic help in India are perpetrated not by men (men are mostly interested in sex) – but by the “Madam of the house” – shockingly enough, against child labor too, which is alive and kicking and tolerated in that part of the world.

(read this All this hate, bigotry and “judgment” against sexually open women (Queens!) – “whores” – and sex workers in general. It’s so BAD! – Spicy and Erotic Fetish) …


So the maid took off when she was not supposed to, and the “Malkin” (her employer, Malkin is like saying “female owner”) gave her a dressing down basically, putting her in her place, talking “Down to her” although she’s much older … and the maid herself is apparently a “sly sort” that keeps talking about her behind her back (again, this scenario is very real – it is how “malkins and maids” think and act towards each other – the “acting” part is often not obvious, but the thinking is what matters, and that is what it is) … and so she keeps asking her to rub her feet harder (not because her feet really hurt, but to humiliate her) and the maid keeps saying “but I just got back from the hospital” which Madam doesnt believe, then they talk about the other girl in the house, and the maid “advises” the owner of the house not to keep the girl there because “people will talk:” – and the owner gets irritated, basically saying “you do your job, rub my feet, and it’s none of your business anyway!”

And thats that, more than WHAT she says, it’s HOW she says it, and the VIBE, which is the underlying current in all my books – which is why those into true femdom love my books SO MUCH (and probably also why most of my femdom is Indian or Chinese themed, although China hasn’t been this way for years, it USED To be this way as well pre 1940 before Mao pretty much outlawed all this – in India, it’s technically outlawed, but no-one really follows any laws there, therefore) ….


Long answer to a short question.

But, it was required, let me know if that explains the vibe and tenor, which I think you were also somewhat curious about!


Mike Watson (and thanks for asking!).

Well, my friend – that is that.

Back soon!


Mike Watson

PS – Remember, femdom books HERE!

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