Dear Reader ,
While the advice here is meant to be taken from a BDSM standpoint, the truth really IS that the advice is equally applicable from a vanilla standpoint as well.
Remove the “cuck” part, and references to femdom, and what you’re left with is your answer.
In short, hell no -the simple act of fellating another man, no matter how lovingly, doesnt in my book make you “gay” … and as for the long answer, and and the whys and wherefore’s, READ ON!
Back a couple of years ago when I first penned “Cuck Central”, truly the DEFINITIVE guide to those of you that are “aching” (pun intended), hehe, to be cuckolded, sissified and more, I really had no idea it would take off like it did.
In fact, I wouldn’t be lying to tell you that after the “Indian Goddess” books (and those are purely novels) — THIS particular “how to” book, or manual as I prefer to call it has really shaken the world of fetish.
Nary a week goes by without it topping my list of sales, and given the number of guys that have latent “homosexual” tendencies and a desire to suck cock (which is really a lot of what being cuckolded being boils down to , hehe — — that lovely cock, the shaft, the gleaming, leaky head, the balls …. his ass …the assHOLE, and the ass CRACK … and WORSHIPPING him as you do HER …)
But I’m getting carried away aren’t I?
This is NOT an article about what is such a huge turn on (or the biggest turn ons, for that matter) about being cuckolded, and why it’s such a hot fantasy for plenty of people.
This is about the other burning question, or indeed CONUNDRUM that folks have — men and women included!
The whole “am I gay if I do this” conundrum
Or, the “Is he gay” if he wants to be cuckolded thought . . .
Or, “does he really love me” if he wants to be cuckolded (and this was said by Madam Su, cuckoldress au extraordinnaire if I may say so, matched and equaled only by Princess Joanie — if you’re ever in Shenzhen, China — drop me a line, and I’ll see if you two can hook up, hehe). . . but again, another post there.
So much to write, so much to do, such little time, and so it should be for a true sissy serving her Mistress as I currently am!
Hehe (so remind me if I don’t get to the above two topics soon . . . )
Anyway, while cuckolding and m-on-m fantasies are something a LOT of guys are into, precious few will actually ever talk about it openly (as opposed to females that are generally a lot more open in terms of talking about homosexual desires — and relationships — as well as polyandrous relationships in general).
It’s key to note that most guys with this sort of a fetish are usually confident alpha males in “real” life situations. Sure, some of the tips beneath turn you into the perfect beta … but if you’re alpha enough to turn beta, and be confident about it, then you’re a rare find indeed for your woman!
It is also key to avoid and stay away from LABELS.
Society paints us into brackets and “fixed” categories when the truth is that it’s all about shades of grey for each individual.
For instance, do we know a single person that is “truly” submissive 24/7?
Even a locked and chaste male will often get into arguments with his Domina … albeit polite ones!
Even the most strict and cruelly (hey, that’s good sometimes!) dominant ladies will sometimes simply want to be “held” by the male they’re in a relationship with. Does this mean they’re less dominant as a result?
Not all, my friend.
It’s about shades of grey, and now the burning question . . .
Are you “gay” if you suck dick?
Well, my take on it is this.
If you dream of being in an actual RELATIONSHIP with a person of the same gender, it is only then that we start getting into “gay” or “lesbian” territory.
Not that there is anything at all wrong with that, but in the vast majority of cases, those being cuckolded have never once thought about an actual relationship with any other part of the man than his cock, balls and ass — — and other related play!
This doesn’t make you gay. This simply says you want to explore and be in touch with your feminine side, and SUBMIT!
There is a huge, huge difference between enjoying homosexual encounters and “being gay”.
Further more even if this classified you as being gay — — who really cares?
So long as YOU are comfortable deep down inside with what you’re doing, and so are your partners, who really cares about what people think?
It really doesn’t matter — so don’t let these thoughts cloud your fun! I mention this only because that above question is the first thing that pops into most people’s minds when cuckolding is brought up, and usually wrestles galore with the part of the man that wants to “let go” —and ultimately, due to social conditioning, wins.
This is sad indeed, as you can never truly get away from your basest desires and who you really are deep down inside.
Make a vow to affirm to yourself that if you really like submission, or being humiliated — — or licking another man’s balls as you would like yours to be licked — — or anything of that nature, then provided it’s CONSENSUAL, there is NOTHING wrong with it!
Repeat this to yourself over and over again. Also affirm to yourself (if you’re a man) that you are NOT going to let “social mores” dictate what you can or cannot enjoy, or how you’ll live your life in general!
As Claude Bristol correctly noted in the Magic of Believing, “Repetition of the same chants, the same incantations, the same affirmations leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction, things being to happen”.
Believe me, once you let your subconscious loose in terms of pursuing what it really really wants — — miracles can — — and DO happen!
Mike Watson
P.S. — Be sure too, to check out collection of BOOKS on Indian femdom (apparently an increasingly popular theme) at the following URL —
This item first appeared here – – but since Medium banned the account, well … here goes here!
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