On Watson’s feminism and more was supposed to be the well deserved title for this one!
But then I chose the one I did …
Anyway, that doesnt come as a surprise does it? I doubt it – but here’s the SUPERB review for “Serving an Indian Goddess – the Sequel – Part Two” – that might well continue on to part III – that Paula Banda Rendon just sent in!
Serving an Indian Goddess – The Sequel II (REVIEW)
It doesn’t matter that reality insists on showing us healthy and happy women who change partners frequently, that the obvious data around us point to them as the ones who most often decide to divorce, the ones who are least satisfied with the defects of their peers and those who with less effort rebuild their sentimental life after a breakup. Many are still committed to the falsified prehistoric postcard in which women are passive collectors waiting for their man in the cave all their lives while he finds time, it is not known how, between mammoth and mammoth to hunt another type of prey with softer meat one day yes and another too.
For women to have other males in reserve besides their mate was a clever way to ensure the future of the species.
In fact, as Mike Watson has said in this book, “monogamy forever does not characterize the basic mating patterns of human beings.” Watson is the main author of a scientific study done in India, which may spell the end of the hypothesis that human evolution has tended towards monogamy.
Michael argues that many of the issues that are framed as a women’s issue are actually men’s.
Watson is proud to be a feminist.
Being transgender is about gender identity. Some people feel that the sex they were assigned at birth does not match their gender identity or the gender they feel they are inside. For this reason, they are often defined as “transgender”.
Transgender people express their gender identity in many different ways. Some people use their clothing, behavior, and mannerisms to live according to the gender they feel comfortable with. Some people take hormones and may have surgery to change their body to match their gender identity. Also, some transgender people do not agree with the traditional way of understanding gender, as divided into “male” and “female”. So they identify only as transgender, genderqueer, genderfluid, or in other ways.
Mike tells us in this book a transformation, where the apparent man decides to be a woman.
Well – let’s deal with (as always, heh) the last part of this (intellectual and factual as always!) review. (starting from the bottom makes so much sense! muah- but it really does for real reviews if you get my drift, “where the other person ended off, you pick up, its a circle, fluid”)
She is right – much like with sexuality in general, there is no “X” and “Y”, there is no book telling you “HOW to be transgender” and if there is indeed a book which tells you “this is the only way to do it” – shun that damn book – immediately.
You’ll notice all my books, Sissy Central, Nipplegasm Central, SissyGasm Central – and a host of other manuals here tell you many and the best ways to accomplish said goals.
But they dont say it’s the only way or the highway.
That, my friend, is NOT sexuality, it’s NOT how it’s supposed to be.
Anyway, THAT was always on the cards, with Watson doing all the womanly things for Priyanka – or Jyoti, as it were. And the book ends on the equally poignant note that Volume Three ended upon – and leaves it open to MANY interpretations.
Never would I have thought that sole, those lovely toes painted RED, those flip flops, Mistress Jyoti, Paye lagu again – would lead to all this, but thats life, thats sexuality too if done right!
Anyway ……………
In fact, as Mike Watson has said in this book, “monogamy forever does not characterize the basic mating patterns of human beings.” Watson is the main author of a scientific study done in India, which may spell the end of the hypothesis that human evolution has tended towards monogamy.
Paula, you’re so right! (I’ll quote the study later, done by yours truly – and very well received, but if you read the book, you’ll know anyway, so ..)
It doesn’t matter that reality insists on showing us healthy and happy women who change partners frequently, that the obvious data around us point to them as the ones who most often decide to divorce, the ones who are least satisfied with the defects of their peers and those who with less effort rebuild their sentimental life after a breakup. Many are still committed to the falsified prehistoric postcard in which women are passive collectors waiting for their man in the cave all their lives while he finds time, it is not known how, between mammoth and mammoth to hunt another type of prey with softer meat one day yes and another too.
For women to have other males in reserve besides their mate was a clever way to ensure the future of the species.
And Paula – you’re SO RIGHT AGAIN!
Traditional thinking and “nature based” thinking goes such – women were meant to be caretakers, men the providers – and men the “sexually aggressive sort” to spread their seed to ensure the survival of the species.
Yes, that is how Mother Nature meant it to be, but how many things these days are like what Mother Nature intended them to be?
Or are there?
You tell me, my friend.
I’d think if you think about it honestly, the world in general is so far removed from “natural”, the definition and meaning of the word that is, that a new natural should be put in place – as being the norm.
That new natural – and you’re seeing it all around you – feminism is alive and kicking, well and truly – women are working, and earning MORE money, and women – my friend, and NATURE intended it to be this way – are never sexually satisfied in the sense they can have unlimited orgasms (SissyGasm Central goes in great depth on this most interesting topic) … and therefore, it’s NATURAL – even the old norms – that women have multiple partners – not just to ensure the best sperm makes it way forward, but because that is how it was INTENDED to be.
A woman that has multiple sexual partners is NATURALLY even more caring – towards both, and thats how Nature intended it to be!
True, male lust is what drives mot of this, but the point is this – male lust CAGED – does so much more for both the man and woman than simply letting it all out all the time does for either.
It should be done, as Madam Ann said “only for health” – or, as I say, and many women – most – agree – for HER! (if she enjoys being woken up in the middle of the night to have it, then by all means, but madam ann didnt, she was – is – so – NICE!) .
We truly need to normalize the new normal is what Paula is essentially saying, so am I …
IT’s happening, and I’m SO glad (muah) my books and products are helping IMMENSELY towards that goal, as this website, and all our others are in general.
Being a feminist – super feminist is a natural extension of all of this – would you not agree?
It doesn’t matter that reality insists on showing us healthy and happy women who change partners frequently, that the obvious data around us point to them as the ones who most often decide to divorce, the ones who are least satisfied with the defects of their peers and those who with less effort rebuild their sentimental life after a breakup.
So true, Paula, so true, I covered most of this above – but the “less effort” part is well worth a read and think too!
Super review as always.
As for you, the reader, if you have not already, get the books now – truly one of a kind you do NOT want to miss!
Mike Watson
PS – And remember, a Watson Faithful membership means you have digital access to everything forever provided your membership stays valid and active. We’re even figuring out an option for unlimited paperbacks and hardcovers – stay tuned on that one!
PS #2 – A note to Paula , she so deserves it!
Hi Paula
Thanks for the great reviews as well – always much appreciated! Being a feminist as you say is a natural extension of what I consider to be the “new norm” – which should really become the normal, nothing is normal as Nature intended it to be anyway around us – therefore, a new normal is required to be “normalized” if that makes sense!
I also love the way you describe the penis – you truly like men (provided there is an attachment) which is really nice to know.
And, of course, great points otherwise in the reviews as well, but those are the two I wanted to bring up. Truly intellectual and factual, and I LOVE reviews like that (as you know).
Enjoy your day!
Mike Watson
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