What a perfect, entitled QUEEN Madam is!

I’d post her picture here – but I dont want to for now!

She’s someone that I’m doing business with – well I should say, I HOPE I can do business with HER on HER terms, hehe.

And she’s not the person I’m doing business with, its some business which involves posting her picture elsewhere (not this site, but elsewhere).

No letting the cat out of the bag… yet … but entitled? Aren’t they all?

I’ve been talking to a dude who wants to introduce a 57 year old lady to me – who by all standards is gorgeous – and SO DOMINATING!

All I saw of her wechat as yet (I’ve been swamped, and could not add you as yet, Madam – – my most sincere, groveling apologies! – but I will soon! Hehe) was a profile pic, no face, no foot, but the DOMINANCE shines through from eyes I can barely see, you gotta FEEL these things, and I can!

She’s looking for slaves “in real life”, so the guy contacted me – until now it was online.

I dont know if I’m in the slave market right now. I’ll have to ask a certain lady for that . . . (I’m sure she wouldn’t mind though. Hehe. She says it’s my job anyway, and she’s right!).

But anyway ………………….

Older ladies, so, so NICE! We’ve spoken about that before have we not?

The lady I saw in the picture, middle aged, an irritated, arrogant bratty look on her face, as if to say “I’m being lazy, fuck you!” (and thats so NICE!) feet crossed, another one of those classic femdom poses I write SO MUCH ABOUT, and turn me on – and YOU – SO MUCH!!!!


Staring not into the camera this time, but staring into space with  a scowl on her face.


Feet weren’t perfect, toes were cross sided, all of it, but she’s gorgeous and a Queen and those guys chose the right picture to “draw attention!” hehe.

They call that sort “Karen” I believe.

I dont know, and I dont care, to me she’s a Queen, gorgeous, I wanted to drop down the minute I saw her, and it wasn’t even that business. Hehe.

But anyway, when serving older women, something different I’ve found, and equally, if not more (hard to choose!) enticing –

Older women are more entitled in their own way, brattier – and more EXPERIENCED, and of course, the thing about “women are getting old and fat” and society thinking women are “past their use date” and other nonsense of that nature … I’ve been saying it for years, but it’s so NICE to see older women finally get their due as you can see all around you!

Younger women, equally lovely and dominating in their own way, more playful, even more into MONEY and shopping! Hehe.

I always tell an older lady that it’s better for a lady to be older, more experienced is better, now what do I tell you younger ladies. Hehehehe. I’ve never figured that out, I just tell them the same thing, they dont seem to mind.

Tee Hee.

Subtle mind games, except they are HONEST AND TRUE!

But anyway …. thats the one difference I’ve noticed, older women tend to be less playful SOMETIMES, but the flavor of dominance while different is still equally spicy, just a different spice.

Paye Lagu, madam Ji.

You’re too, too nice! (for being YOU!).


Mike Watson

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