It wasn’t quite the look of pure, utter and sheer “ewwwwwww” disgust an admittedly gorgeous sex worker in China once gave me (See Sin City Diaries for more on that – a lady I PAID – and a lady that reacted that way. Truly, Chinese ladies, and most in general have me “pegged” from the get go!)
As for pegging, well…
“Plug you in the ass, boy!”
That book is a huge FAVORITE – or the “findom recollections” in it, at any rate – Submissive Musings is a must grab. Start with the first, and most “poignant” – Madam Pearl i.e. Volume One, and then go on to the rest.
Or, just get the compilation!
Anyway, Madam Venus – her of the lovely feet, her of the “you freak! you love women’s SOLES!” (feet, hehe) – and more …
and, of course, her of the “Money is always more important than MAN!”
She was right on all those fronts, she still is.
When I first asked her to give me a blowjob, of course, a stern no was what “Mother” Venus (what I Call her now in a kidding manner, hehe) told me.
“You know I wont do that!”
Yes, Ma’am, I know you wont!
And you shouldn’t! Your lips are too PRISTINE!
But she did give me a handjob.
“IF I like you, this is natural, right” she giggled away as she made a huge show of washing her own feet once – My “dusty” apartment at the time, so she put it! (as I carried her out of the bathroom so those lovely soles did not touch the floor – hehe – yes, true tale!)
(and it was nowhere near that dusty anyway!)
She sucked my nipples pretty well – nowhere near as expertly as some Chinese ladies have, but close enough.
And, I remember her squeezing my man tits like nobody’s business. Hehe.
I was going to tell her that doesnt necessarily do it i.e. squeezing man tits, but hey – I thought of her soles, and lost control.
“Harder” , I sighed, and then came – COPIOUSLY – over her hands!
And I still remember her washing it off in the bathroom – not quite the “ewww” reaction above – but a resigned “oh god, look at this MESS he’s made!”
Madam Venus was so nice, and I dont know why I felt compelled to share this with you. Hehe.
But I did!
And I’m out.
Mike Watson
PS – Buy the books above, because if you’re a true femdom, findom or just in general fetish lover, you’ll love them!
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