I was reminded of this as another lady added me on WeChat – a stunningly plain looking DOMINANT lady complaining about men on LinkedIN!
I dont use social media, but these gems – and gemmesses I meet make it all worth it, and as I want kiss Madam’s feet right now?
Well, I’m reminded of none other than Sophia Bai, the humiliatrix TAUNTING me.
With ruined orgasms x 100!
She’s often squat near my dick while I was in FRENZY – so in lust did Madam drive me along with Su, and so expertly!
She used the techniques in the book on ruined orgasms, a book that has gotten RAVE reviews if nothing else and continues to do so, and it’s highly recommended for you -both the FETISH lover – and VANILLA LOVER!
Or, one trying to move over from or to the other.
She’d often squat cowgirl style on me – near my dick.
Rampant dick and you fans of Madam Ashley know her love for that position, and how my sissy self could NOT get it up and never has in that position!
BEcause that position not only satisfies HER the most, but it’s also real man fucking!
Like a real man, with nothing but her vagina and ass in view, and NO FEET!
Ashley tweaked my nipples, yes, but it wasn’t enough as you know!
Anyway …
She sat.
and then?
“Guess what I’m going to do now, boy!”
Madam, please, please! I’d beg to let me …
ANd she’d let one rip!
And as the smelly fart reached my nostrils, she’d smack me one on the balls and I’d squeal in pain like never before.
And I’d CUM too, and if there is anything more painful and erotic than that?
I’m yet to hear it!
I’ll be back soon.
But, read about Madam Sophia here for now!
Mike Watson
PS – Ruined orgasm link HERE.
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