Wouldnt it be nice if you could have your fetish out in the OPEN – with your woman INTERESTED in it?
She may or may not go “the whole hog” when it comes to fetish with you, but there is no doubt that you CAN get her “more into it” than she is already is.
For lots of you, and I keep hearing this in my kink counseling sessions (which I do not so many of, so apply FIRST and we’ll see what we can do) . . .
“My wife just wont budge!”
“No matter what I do, she wants sex!”
(at the end of everything else)
“She wants me to work my fetish in, everyone knows that is impossible, and there it stands!”
Well, she’s right.
So are you, cuck.
And I’ve told you about the long, long time ago where my ex stood bawling her eyes out in front of a sorority pushing me to go to counseling (the same ex that told me it was “Unchristian” to dominate me in the way I wanted).
(Curiously enough she had no problem talking about the other guys she had been with, but she didnt like me getting turned on by it! – we never got there though).
Years later, another lady I was with took me to counseling when I actually “budged”.
Lets see what this is all about, I said to myself.
This lady was interested in two things – a) getting my phimosis cured so we could have “normal sex” and b) the counseling to resolve the fetish.
No feet, boy!
Guess what the counselor said.
“Just think of feet, and do it!”
I couldn’t hide back a grin.
(if it only it were that easy. Hehe. But to his credit, he then said he wasn’t a fetish counselor).
Believe me, SEX counseling is one thing. FETISH and the mind are quite another. You need expertise . . .
As for the phimosis, I’m damn glad I did NOT get operated – and when I told the lady I was with at the time I wouldn’t, she threw a fit, and there endeth that discussion.
I managed to buy her some dresses. She forgot – temporarily, but the words of THAT ex rang out in my head.
“She’ll always want it if she loves you!”
All of this, my friend sounds depressing familiar to you, no?
Not to mention what I said in my title. Jerking off to your woman’s soles, hoping she’ll dominate you, hating (or not wanting) her for not doing … And all in the QUIET of your own home.
The more frustrated SHE gets, the bitchier she gets, no? (along with the different colors of nailpolish, new clothes showing her body – ASS off – and so forth …)
And the more it turns YOU On, the more you salivate secretly, and the more she does NOT give it to you …
VS …
You could do it – with HER being HAPPY – and you too – out in the OPEN!
My SO was tired last night, and she slept well (remember that ass whanging the stud gave her?)?
And I pressed her feet, went away and jerked to her Soles – which I can do all day long – but here’s the thing – she knows it probably, and she knows I smell the stinky cum stained cloth and used condoms too, and she giggles, and indulges me!
And it’s all true.
Your viewpoint, hers, all true.
Except, sometimes, finding the common meeting ground has to be done in a way you’d never ever imagine.
And those are the “dirty” yet very ethical ways I bring to you that are also so amazingly simple that they’re usually overlooked.
Check out the complete guide on understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland if you’re really serious about your deep desires, and remember, this works for ANY lady – or man – or VANILLA couples too!
Last, but not least, footboy. That discount is waiting – coupon code – FOOTBOY.
And if you want to be uber discreet, well, Bitcoin payments are up on the site.
Now, my friend, it’s all up to you …
Mike Watson
PS – And no, I’m not going to crawl through broken glass on my elbows to beg you to get this. Quite frankly, some of you on this list have been on here for ages, and yet haven’t invested in the premier course on femdom – I’m not sure why! Boggles the mind. Anyway, doers that are serious about femdom, go here.
PS #2 – And if you want instant access to all our books, courses, everything for a “one time payment” – sign up for the Watson faithful now.
PPS – And please, no complaints about “I dont have money”. I mean, porn memberships cost way more than what I ask for stuff that works far better!
PPS #2 – You might think “its OK to just jerk off”. Maybe if you’re not really into femdom, yes . . . but think of this. Even that jerk off with her is so much more POWERFUL, no?
Really – there are no two ways around this, my brother. (and no, her getting more frustrated ain’t the solution. Think of if she does it in a happy manner, footboy – the TIDINGS That await!).
Anyway, I’m out for now. Back soon.
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