Just got the following from my lovely SO …
(I was doing something with the food, NOT what Ms. Krystal made me do, i.e put a spoon in my ass and then eat with THAT! Ugh! But what a turn on, hehe – -and accidentally my LEG bumped up against her thighs)
The soft inside of her thighs …
And how dare I hehe.
“Boy! Who told you you could get inside my legs!” she hollered.
And it wasn’t even my third leg she’s talking about, hehe.
Now, legs aside, I like NOT being allowed into her legs.
Unless it’s from the back, and my tongue. Hehe.
But dick – at least mine – doesnt belong there.
It wasn’t always that way, of course.
My life wasn’t always a sissy paradise.
Most women (and yours truly has been with a ton) wanted nothing more than to have real man sex with me.
REmember Madam Ashley and how she tried?
She wasn’t the only one.
Sound familiar to you, friends?
You’re with the girl you want to be dominated by, and she wants SEX.
And when you cannot perform, she gets pissed.
And the key my friend to getting her to accept the way you like things, and the way SHE WILL LIK ETHEM too – really like – not “forced” like because you do – isn’t what you think.
It’s not “convincing her” and it’s not asking right off the bat to fuck other men.
It’s not giving her more money or less.
its not praising her up and down or complimenting her.
It’s none of the above.
It’s so glaringly simple it is out there in the open, most miss it, I’ve written a world famous book on it – and those that buy it – well – paradise awaits for them!
And the sky and erect cocks await too, hehe.
Those that dont stay frustrated and “keep hoping she will dominate me”, and she never does, and …
Trust me, my friend.
The key is simple yet deep.
Profound .
To learn what it is go here.
Mike Watson
PS – As for not being allowed in, isn’t that what all sissies want and should aspire to? ’nuff said, I believe! I mean really – we dont want sex, we want domination!
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