Thomas, a subscriber who later left the list because he “didnt want to read about sucking other men’s cocks” – asked me to introduce him to girls he would play with.
“I’d gladly pay you, Mike, if you did this for me!”
Now, obviously I ain’t a pimp, hehe. Not in that sense at least.
(although looking at my track record, you’d be forgiven for thinking yours truly is the DADDY here, hehe, with the biggest dong of them all) …
But I have said this before, and many times.
Girls aren’t there for you to PLAY WITH, boy!
YOU are there for THEIR amusement and pleasure, and to be their toys!
And of course, to give them MONEY.
And if you are into findom – lets face it, most of you are – and are unable to find the right findomina – well, I got a offer that will make you literally CREAM your sissy panties and LEAK PROFUSELY AND COPIOUSLY.
I’ve written about Princess Kelly before. Dominant! Oh so dominant!
And of course, perfect Sophie, madam SOphie!
And I, my friend, will introduce YOU to both of these two if you’re part of the MEMBERS ONLY CIRCLE – and IF – and ONLY if – you have the FUNDS to do what they want, bro.
No cheapskates or Free chats here, sorry.
You’ll be used and abused by then, as Goddess Sadie did to ME all those years ago.
“send $50, boy!”
And you’ll be expertly USED – and thrown away later like toilet paper.
And if that turns you on – well you know where to go to sign up.
Do so, and shoot me an email.
We’ll go from there!
Mike Watson
PS – By the way, make sure to pick up our course on ruined orgasms here.
PS #2 – This offer is ONLY valid for a few days, or hours depending upon. It’s Chinese New Year, and the ladies need more pampering, so I’m willing to “share” with you, but if you’re thinking “lets wait and see” – sorry, that aint how it works. Take action NOW. Life rewards the doers, not the FIST pumpers and WANNABE femdom “lovers”!
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