Why I don’t want or use “dating services” and why YOU shouldn’t either!

And this goes for both you men and women out there, but the MEN need to hear it the most.

So this email will be directed at you men, mostly, but ladies, feel free to chime in hehe.

(I’m sure some will).

Because the looonng list of idiots standing with dicks (or dicklets, hehe) in hand either on street corners and massage parlors and the like is just INCREASING.

Sure, the women do it too – but guess what – they cater to the men.

And I’m not saying it’s right or wrong.

If a man visits a hooker, or prostitute, it is not “right or wrong”. At least, I dont think there is much at all wrong with it provided both parties respect each other!

But I still remember the angry slap my “Civics” teacher gave me (from South India I believe).

“Do you know why this practice exists, boy! Its because of men!” 

Now to be fair, I was 13 at the time, and I wasn’t laughing at the topic of prostitution. I was laughing at a certain woman or something, and of course, the teacher was frustrated, and took it out on me.

Again – NOT ON! You don’t physically punish kids etc, especially without knowing whats going on in their minds.

Bu tanyway, I keep getting these idiotic messages about “Sir, we have dating services“.

If in China, I get “xiaojie” messages on my phone.

My response?


I mean, this morning, I woke up.

First thing I thought about was ruined orgasms and Pooja Memsahib, that satiny smooth brown SKIN, and no, I didnt think of making love to her.

“Pooja ko chod de!” 

But that thought only came after SHE wanted it, hehe.

Not because I did.

For me, nipples play, ruined orgasms

SUCH A TURN on, sleeping with the hard dick, waking up every so often, and if there is one reason you need to get BOTH the courses (above) on nipple play and ruined orgasms, that is it, boys.

And men, hehe.

But yeah, and lets get to the meat of the matter, or bottom line.

If You’re attracting on auto pilot, EFFORTLESSLY – – why would you ever WANT to use dating or any services??

It’s that simple, bro!

And to learn how (yes, YOU TOO can do it) – pick up the course on it here.

And thats what I gotta tell you. Back soon!


Mike Watson

PS – Yes, the course is not for “everyone”. If you believe your money is better spent on porno “shorno”,  (or standing on a street corner, hehe) go for it. But believe me, this here course is GOLD my friend, UTTER GOLD …

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