I love it!
I wrote about Madam (I dont know who as yet!) having “dingding” as her wechat ID .
Well, thats part of it, hehe.
But the lovely Goddess out of the blue sent me CHERRIES, and if there ever was a sign from the Universe, this – is IT!
Along with what Dani said this morning about the book on ruined orgasms!
( I cannot stop thinking and SAYING what a Goddess she is. I “owe” her a few botttles of WINE as well, hehe).
But really I wrote about MY S.O. once ringing an irritating “bell” to summon me.
Tea, boy!
And it better be there QUICK, hehe.
It’s so humiliating – like a true servant – and in the Victorian era, and in ancient India (kings and queens and so forth) and even NOW – as you can see from the White Tiger – they still do it!
Humiliating the hired help is seen as not just normal.
BUt something to DO.
Else, “they will think something is up”.
So goeth the thinking.
In real life, abhorrent, but for humiliating us subs?
It’s so perfect – and indeed, yes, I’d think something was up if women didnt giggle, use, abuse and humiliate me, and have FUN doing it!
(and if I didnt have fun_).
Its part of who I am, and dominating men? In a certain way, even submissive women are Dominas, hehe.
Anyway, that movie I once watched where the stud with his lovely LONG cock, and CUT head (but it wasn’t cut – he had foreskin, but it peeled back fully unlike my own phimotic cock. Ashley would have loved it! I can see HIS head, boy – why not YOURS!) was humiliating a fat sub.
Made him eat chocolate out of his ass!
(Pooja Memsahib, anyone? Except hers was “real” chocolate and I didnt eat it, but you get the drift!)
And LOTS OF cock and ball worship!
He places that lovely long DICK on his face, and nose, and balls in mouth. And calls him Spongejoe Bob or something!
He was slim, sexy and a BEAUTIFUL CHEST!
(I sound like such a girl. I’d kiss his chest too!)_
And thos enipples!
(I’d suck them for him!)
An dhe had a “Latina” girl with him. I think so, at least.
(Dani? Hehe) (nah, I dont think so, Kidding!!!!!!)
What a stud – I Cannot tell you how many sissygasms that gave me (the cock) and his attitude, and still does!
But anyway, point being?
The girl SMASHED the cuck’s balls in at regular intervals …
To his credit he took it!
But with the SLAPS she gave him?
I’m sure his head – and balls – were both RINGING!
And they WERE BLUE, hehe.
That unfulfiled orgasm, and if there was ONE Thing I’d wish for the movie to have done?
OR, the dude?
Come MORE – and keep that cock even HARDER!
It was one of those dicks you had to keep sucking, or it would get flaccid, and in a perverse sort of way, I think that was the entire point.
Never stop practising, sissy!
I’m out. Back soon!
Mike Watson
PS – Learn how to practice being a REAL sissy boy right HERE – Sissy Central – truly a GREAT course that has been turning “heads” and HOW!
*both big and small*
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