Cherries, BALLS, Perfect Madam MIYA, and those long, unending LEGS!

If there is one thing Bollywood actress Malaika Arora and “Madam Miya” have in common, it is this.


Lovely long legs!

I just saw several poses of the former on Google (that ole thing about smartphones and computers actually thinking).

Madam looks gorgeous!

Lovely top, lovely arms, lovely STRONG legs. Not skinny!

Lovely to KICK ME – or men!

And thats exactly what I was going to write to you about a while back, but didn’t for some reason.

Her feet in white flip flops. White nailpolish. Lovely!

And BANG on target, I get a message on WeChat from a lady I don’t know.

She sent me the following – a pair of cherries.




And two sets!

Oh my!

Balls, my friend!

If you kick them, guess the color they turn (before purple and BLUE, hehe).

(Blue if you do what Madam Daniela just learnt. Hehe).

And of course, the other set of balls?

With a lovely STUD cock attached to it?

You WORSHIP them!

With red lips, even if you’re a sissy (and if you are, better dress up well, boy! Thats one of the cardinal rules).

And as my head spins, Madam Miya?

Well, I wrote about her earlier.

Those legs!

As she replies to my wechat post about her legs THREE days later (Madam is busy with her boyfriend, boy!) …

“Madam, it’s always my honor isnt it?”.


It is, and it should be every mans’s too!

Back soon.


mike Watson

PS – The other thing? They’re BOTH so PERFECT! Hehe.

PS #2 – Goddess’s wechat ID is “dingding!” IF there ever was a signal from the Universe, it’s this. Ding, ding, boy! 

Balls and bells. Hehe. Maybe that will be another post! RING THEM!


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