What an usual day at the “office” looks like for yours truly …

A prime example and illustration of … why you ATTRACT what you THINK about!

Yours truly doenst call what he (or she, hehe) does work.

Neither on this site, or any of the others.

I ENJOY what I do. In keeping with President Trump’s advice of “don’t do it for the money” – well – I never have, my friend!

I just love females, femdom, and everything related!

So I idle through my wechat, and see Monica’s shoulders.

So perfect, so lovely!

I wrote about shoulders in the last post on payelagumalkin.com.

And it bears mentioning here too. ANYTIME I see her bare shoulders – – my fingers are on auto pilot to press them for her, like she deserves!

What makes it better?

Madam is a massage worker!

And if you’re an avid Sin City fan, which many of you are, you KNOW how much I like to be dominated by maids in the subcontinent – and massage (and sex) workers in China!

Or anywhere, hehe.

And you KNOW WHY.

And if not, the compilation will tell you. If you can read between the lines that is, or maybe a quick search on THIS SITE will.

Then, of course, ‘perfect Madam Dani’, her of the awesome translation. I feel dizzy every time I TALK to her.

I haven’t seen her face. No face, no feet, no nothing.


It truly is never about her age, looks or anything els.e it’s about the DOMINANT and uber so VIBE!

Same thing for Goddess Ashlee (who is actively LAUGHING at me right now!), Madam Susan, and the rest.


Woman worship is perfect too!!

And on another note there was a lady I hadn’t spoken to in a while.

“Hi, beautiful” was all I said.

I thought her name was Miss Shu, but she says Miss Chen!!!

And her reply ?

“Hello, pretty boy!”

Oh – MY!


Mike Watson

PS – And if THIS doesn’t give yo enough examples of attracting on auto pilot, nothing will!

PS #2 – Sometimes I wonder how I get ANY work done. But get it done I do, and then some, hehe.

PPS – Learn how to be the PURRRFFFEECTT “purdy boy” right HERE – Sissy Central.

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