Subconsciously , for right or wrong, good or bad, what we hear most often when we’re babies and kids shapes us for the rest of our lives!
Could be praise – – which usually results in confidence growing up.
Could be constant and repeated criticism which results in … well, a messed up kid which yours truly ended up being in many ways growing up …
And while its easy to reverse this thinking if you know how to (the SAME principles I use in the book and advocate you to use as well! On A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the mainland – the SAME logic and techniques that allows me to do so EFFORTLESSLY will work in any regard, if you tinker around with the specifics a little!) most don’t.
And my upbringing was a truly Nazi feminist upbringing in many ways.
What I am about to say will be “touchy’ for most but its true.
Cut me open and leave me to dry if you so would, but I’d bet in EVERY femdom lover (male)s background there exists at least ONE – or more DOMINANT AND OVERBEARING female.
NO, NOT fetish related either!
Could be a simple matriarchal society where women make all the decisions…
OR, could be something far worse.
A family of Nazi feminists which I unfortunately grew up in.
Now, we can’t control who we have as “parents”.
But .. Nazi feminism is CANCER my friend.
True femdom – or true feminism or a combo there in is about COMPROMISE ,and realizing the other person has needs too, while recognizing that the woman is always (usually) in charge, or that her decisions COUNT.
Nazi feminism tramples over everything except itself!
And that too.
But it’s great in terms of femdom hehe.
And it pisses the Nazi feminists off to hear this, since thats the LAST thing they want to hear i.e. someone actually enjoying it in a certain regard.
As that is “contrary” to the tenets of Nazi feminism, hehe.
But anyway, that book I mentioned up there.
All the ladies did their utmost NOT to dominate me, as you’ll see from the TRUE TALES at the end of the book.
And yet, they did.
And yet, they continue to be attracted to me, and dominate me.
All of the above.
Shades of grey.
But rememember, my friend.
SSC counts – and Nazi feminism is NOT,I repeat, NOT “C”.
And so it goes.
She’s always right, boy! Hehe.
Mike Watson
PS – Be sure and pick up some tales of Chinese femdom HERE.
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