And that lovely mind of hers, I must say!
Venus, for those of you that have read Sin City Diaries is another cuckoldress and “fin domina” au extraordinnaire, but you may or may not believe it upon looking at her.
In fact, I didn’t even see her feet for one when I first started chatting with her, and added her WeChat, and then gave her the name Venus.
But when I finally did … well. As usual, the mind (subconscious) makes no mistake!
Curiously enough when I finally did see her lovely soles that she did ALL she could to hide (while saying my kisses on her soles “did something to her”), it was when Princess Sherry for one was actively engaged in screwing me up – the ASS – quite literally!
In a financial sense, and perhaps one reason I didnt follow it up as I should is the sheer “Goddess” like feeling Sherry gave me!
She promised something.
Never did it.
And then turned around on me and I told me I had no right to “stress her out” and demand what I paid for!
Truly findom taken to an extreme, hehe. But I believe most of what she told me was accurate.
She was – is – from Shanghai. I can feel it!
Just like Madam Pearl! 😉
And she IS a Chinese girl, hehe.
Want more details on this? Well, you’ll have to pick up the bestselling Volume TWO of Submissive Musings right here, boy.
And back to Venus, her perfect soles.
For whatever reason, she wasn’t good at nipple play (perhaps an exception tot hat rule I keep stating!)
And blowjobs. Of course. No, boy! Never ! Hehe.
And she wouldn’t allow ME to have another woman, but she could have other men!
And as her clumsy handjob led me to a massive, massive orgasm, she looked at me with that same mixture (or should I say my cum, not me) of DISGUST as the other lady I mentioned in SinCity Diaries did!
And it made it all worth it.
Now, note, she didnt look at ME that way.
Chinese ladies are nothing if not smart.
And the one thing she knew – and DID well?
Was to, like Madam Angie, rape my wallet!
I still remember it.
All she was doing was talking to me. Soles in my face, hands caressing my nuts …
And the orgasm I had (sissygasm) as she inserted one finger up you know where, and looked at me, and said …
Boy! Your money belongs to ME! I dont need to ask you before I spend it!
OH – MY!
Paye Lagu, Madam Ji!
And thats the tale for today. Oh, and if you’re wondering how to attract femdom to you in all its shapes, guises, and forms – well – as I keep saying – it’s about the mind my friend.
Pick up the definitive guide on this right here!
It truly will change your life – that I PROMISE!
Mike Watson
PS – If you’re currently in a relationship, and need “help” with the BDSM side of things like a lot of you do – well – contact me via the kink counseling page right here. And if you’re just looking for coaching in terms of FINIDING the right dominant woman – and how to train your mind like I tell you in the book – well – shoot me an email anyway, and we’ll see what we can do!
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