Kangana Madam, and her perfect ….SOLES! And they’s so confident – the SOLES even!

So it’s interesting!

I dont know why, but the Indian Bollywood star “Kangana Ranaut” (I’m not sure if I am spelling it right) and her lovely soles have been on yours truly’s mind for a while.

Since last night, actually.

I Dont know if it’s because she’s extra active on social media these days or the (sh) news as I like to call it, hehe.

But anyway, I wrote about this lady once, and her lovely SOLES which I once saw in a Bollywood flick a LONG time ago, where she wasn’t shy about showing them off at all!

And the directors were smart too … 😉

But anyway Kangana Madam’s lovely soles aside, it brings me to the point of this.

I’ve often mentioned the tale of the Pakistani Goddess putting her maid down, and the OLDER Pakistani lady with TWO younger servants.

Both such a turn on, and as Alexa rightly told me.

“The age dynamic is really what is a turn on!” (being yours truly is almost 20 years older than her, addresses her as Madam or whatever she so chooses, and of course her …!).

(Those weren’t her words – but the gist).

(and the Indian Bollywood star I’ve referred to above seems every bit as DOMINATING and confident as her, which is probably why I Can “feel the vibe”).

But anyway.

Slaves should never be on the bed, boy!

They should be on the floor “pressing” their Mistress’s perfect soles!

Thats all they shoudl be staring at all night long, boy!

Preferably with their ears tied to the bedpost – Madam Sugar for one devised this very ingenious technique for keeping me in line while I believe it was … ah, Madam Krystal “loaned” me to her.

Hehe. That was an interesting time, to say the least!

Much like when lovely Madam Carrie loaned me to Madam Susan, at whost feet I probably learned the MOST (literally!) than any other lady!

Talk to her SOLES, boy!

And Madam Kangana, and her SOLES too seem every bit as confident as her!

It’s funny I refer to soles as such isn’t it?

But it’s exactly what Madam Susan wanted me to do.

And she’s RIGHT. Spot on!

Her soles are indeed confident, boy, and if she allows you to sit on the bed while pressing them, then you better make sure they are in your LAP – like the precious jewels they are!

And I was going to name this post Madam Kangana’s lovely soles, since that is what inspired this post, but that wouldn’t do justice to the “theme” of this story. So, there is stands!

… pun intened, hehe. Mine doesnt stand! 😉

And thats all from yours truly for now. I’ll be back soon. In the meantime, be sure to pick up the Madam Carrie compilation my friend – you’ll love it!


Mike Watson

PS – Another hugely popular compilation of ours is the “Krystal – the Teaching Assistant – she was anything … but!” series. Do pick it up now – you’ll love it if you’re into any sort of femdom!

PS #2 – Her soles in my lap, and two other ladies teasing me. One my bitch tits (existent or not, hehe) and the other my ass. In and out, in and out. Truly cuck paradise as they move away, and rightly so, as that girl did SO well SUCHA LONG TIME AGO … as the “sissygasm” starts and “spurts!”

Sissygasms are the best. Indeed!

(Pick up Sin City compilations for more on this if you so choose – TRUE – 100% stories from yours truly)

PPS – As those eyes bore into you. As the CONFIDENCE drills into you. THAT is what makes it WORTH IT!

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