Two servants. One for each foot . . . BOY!

So, I logged into a WeChat account this morning I rarely, if ever use.

Well, actually let me take that back!

I use it all the time – – for THIS business. But for whatever reason I have NOT been using it for the past few weeks (13 days, actually, to be frank).

And while 13 is supposed to be an unluckly number in China, I haven’t got any such reservations, hehe.

Especially not when I see posts from gorgeous ladies on their WeChat “moments” (wall) which go to the effect of “Oh my God! It’s the middle of the night! I must be the only one!”

(and of course, I replied to that in the afternoon today with “Madam couldn’t sleep?”)

As I should.

And 13 seem to be lucky, since Madam “Ella” (perfect Madam Ella! Of course! ?) posted what she did on WeChat, and I saw it . . .

She’s a lady on my list I met online a while back, but for whatever reason we have not spoken a lot, and I don’t know if she will actually REPLY to me.

You know, SHE never needs to reply if she doesn’t want to, BOY, but you need to! Always do! ?

Anyway I’m on the verge of asking Madam if she needed a good foot rub!

Or, as Madam Pearl did for hours and bade and made me do, a BACK rub.

“Servant! Rub my lower back and waist while I sleep!”

Sexier and truer words were never spoken, except perhaps for the “Paye Lagu, Malkin” chant that Ms. Priyanka taught and dinned into me . . .

. . . repetitively. Over and over again.

And so, is it any wonder that I want to say “Paye Lague, Perfect Madam Ella!” right about NOW? ?

Maybe I will!

And maybe I’ll tell her what I told Madam Jojo.

That she needs not one servant, but TWO massaging her.

One for each perfect foot, as she lies on the bed, flat on her back, legs spread comfortably wide apart with NO fear of “having” to give up any sort of sex (and she shouldn’t! ?) . . . soles staring each (un) fortunate SLAVE in the face.

Or maybe one for her feet, and one for her back as Madam Jojo so enjoys!

(That ravishing lady didn’t even flinch an eyelid when I told her that!)

Come to Shanghai, boy! Was the very imperious response, and maybe I will.

Maybe I just WILL!


Mike Watson

PS – Maybe Jiangsu if Madam Ella permits! ? OF course, Shanghai is a part of that, almost. I’ve often said the most dominant women in china (which is saying something given the entire country is a Mecca for femdom; true femdom) can be found in Shanghai and from Madam Pearl to Princess Sherry (btw, THAT case never did get resolved!) – and all in between – it holds TRUE!)

PS #2 – For tales of Chinese femdom, go here –

P.P.S – Indian femdom lovers, go HERE –

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