So said Madam Venus her of Sin City Diaries, her the cuckoldress, and her the lady that likes two things.
Men, and money.
Money, and men I should say, since the first is always more important, BOY!
And as she said, “man with money is best!”, hehe.
I was once feeding the fishes in my apartment complex (the Chinese have this sort of style where they build apartment complexes like “gardens”, replete with ponds and trees) and told her what I was doing.
(FWIW, the Chinese even call their apartment complexes “gardens” – something which I have NOT quite been able to get used to even after 15 plus year on the mainland. “Hua Yuan” i.e. garden is what they call it in Mandarin”
Not entirely a bad thing though, as it always helps to have some form of Nature next to you!
Anyway, so I told her what I was doing.
“Do you like fish, Maam”, I asked.
“OK . . . well, how about dogs? Or cats? Or . ..?”
(you’ll remember a certain Sophia and her DOGS and how I complained about them up and down in Miss V – Beauty Salon, and how the tables were eventually turned, and how!)
“I don’t like anything”, she replied in a bored sort of tone, and I can almost imagine her lying there lazily on my couch with her feet on my lap . . .
And those lovely legs, of course!
With “mao mao”. Hair. Not overly so, but slight traces, and while that ain’t my thang, Madam didn’t care.
“I don’t like waxing my legs”, she announced the first day she met me!
And that day . . . “I only like money and men!”
Anyway, the hairy part is good in a way as she likes hairy men, and I’m (somewhat) hairy as well, so.
She thinks it’s manly, and of course, it is, but here is that old conundrum again,.
Alpha, or beta, or cuck? ?
And as I kissed her lovely, size 34 (or maybe 36!) soles (oh, I asked her the first day; it was 36) . . . she giggled.
Took her foot away.
“It makes me feel many things”, was her response, and though I tried to get her to do things with her feet to me, at that point and that day she didn’t.
She wanted to “ride me”, aka Madam Ashley, which of course we did. Hehe.
Anyway, later on . . .
“Do you think I’m strange, Venus”, I asked her.
Just out of the blue, since she’d send me pictures of her feet etc when I asked, but it would never go further than that.
“Yes! You like female’s foot!” was the response.
And while I could “open up her mind” on this, I haven’t as yet.
Not entirely at least. Hehe.
I will soon though . . . but it’s so sexy to hear her say that.
If only she’d say it while talking about the other men she sleeps with (or has slept with in the past) and while cucking me, and making me lick ass, or raping my wallet, or . . . .
I’ll keep you posted – but on that note, that’s that from “wierdo” (and proudly so!) land, hehe.
I’ll be back with more later!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Madam Janet once said “those guys who liked to suck toes” are weird. Insane how even the slightest deviance from the normal (or what is accepted as such) is labeled weird instantly. If anything is weird, to me, it is THAT thinking!
P.S #2 – Anyway, if you want a safe sensible and SANE and high quality community to carry on discussions with like minded wierdos, sign up right HERE –
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