Buying Miss Lin a pair of shoes

This morning I woke up, and started checking my Wechat, which for whatever reason seems to have slowed . . . to a CRAWL.

Big time.

Perhaps I’ve got too many groups on there. Or perhaps too many ladies asking me to . . .ah, we’ll get to that! Hehe.

As I checked my messages, two in particular stood out.

One, being a lady called Wendy.

And as soon as I saw her picture, I was HOOKED.

She’s an older lady (YES, an older lady! ?) – and being you know how much Mike Watson loves older Chinese ladies . . . well, when I saw her relaxing by the beach in a long dress and clogs on those lovely feet, I just had to go “ga ga”.

Madam, you’re so nice! I responded to her initial “normal” message of “Hello”, and then of course nothing else.

Madam is fishing to see who responds, and while that sort of thing irritates me no end in real life, in terms of femdom, there are few things I like more.

And as she giggled back, asking me my name, and the eternal question #1 “Can you speak Chinese?” (to which of course I said no), it was ON.

I haven’t spoken much to her as of now, but that’s because another lady’s chat stood out.

Her normal text messages to me contained a ZAP that made me look at her picture (I had not the first time when talking to her), and lets just Miss Lin from Beijing has THAT look in the eyes.

Those sexy, domineering, controlling, KNOWING eyes, and while I’ve often spoken tomes about Shanghai being the very best place in the Mecca of Femdom (mainland China) to find femdom, Beijing ain’t far behind either!

And so Miss Lin from Beijing asked me if “I shopped online”.

Now, why she asked me that is obvious. She’s trying to sell something, of course.

And again, normally I hate that sort of thing (people adding me just to sell things), but one look at her eyes, and all was forgotten (and forgiven).

And the gorgeous green dress she’s wearing . . .

And while Miss Lin looks like the normal lady you see daily on the streets, the EYES make it anything but.

The VIBE makes it anything but.

And the first thing I said?

“Madam, I’m so sorry, but no, I don’t shop online! Why? Do I need to buy you a pair of shoes, Princess?”

And my slow WeChat connection meant her responses didn’t come back . . . well, not at the time of writing this. I’ll let you know how it goes though, hehe.

As for the ZAP I felt, many have reported that from my writing as well.

And it’s something that cannot be taught, much like the innate femdom in Chinese ladies cannot be taught.

But, it, and true MALE SUBMISSION can be inculcated.

And the way to do that, and find femdom EFFORTLESSLY , almost on auto-pilot, without thinking about it (and this morning for a change business was on the top of my list, not femdom!) is to condition yourself mentally, BOY – – and if it’s a dominant lady reading this, Madam!

And it’s true, my friend. ‘Tis true.

My book “A complete guide on understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland” has changed lives over the world, and it will CHANGE your life too, my friend, if you LET IT.

And yes – it works for ladies of ALL races, colors, hues, or what not. I simply put “Chinese” in there because that is what my preference is and what I want to attract the most (and do), but you can replace that with Indian, or African, or white, or black, or any other term of your choice!

Grab it NOW, my friend. It WILL change your life.


Mike Watson

P.S. – Be sure to pick up a copy of the book on ruined orgasms right HERE – (a bestseller!) –

P.S #2 – For more scintillating ZAP-laced tales of Chinese femdom, go HERE –


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