The WATSON faithful

Way back in the day as I said I used to participate in a lot of femdom forums (well, not a lot, but the ones that were run and administered sensibly).

And not all were.

I remember being booted from one forum for simply stating my opinion on something in a very respectful manner indeed, simply because the lady that ran the forum didn’t agree with my opinion.

True, she didn’t boot me straightaway. She told me “not to discuss it”, and I suppose if we were sessioning, then yes, I would deserve PUNISHMENT for not obeying her.

But we weren’t.

It was a public forum, and we were discussing another member who I believe had been verbally abusive to her (or something along those lines), and as I stated my opinion again, I was booted.

And I got several messages from the other ladies stating “So much for you and your femdom! You couldn’t obey her, could you?

To me, that ain’t true femdom, my friends.

Sure, it’s about her and it’s a one way street, but working up to that point requires love (gasp! But yes, it’s true), CARE (another gasp!) and PATIENCE!

Not to mention a true understanding of the human psyche if you really want to be in it for the long term, and both the “dominant” and “submissive” mindsets and what makes each tick.

And so I “gave” from my knowledge freely on those forums (at that point I was working a full time job in mainland China that paid me VERY WELL indeed and so I never even thought of starting my own thang until then) . . . and enjoyed the interactions I had with other fellow femdom enthusiasts, truly dominant ladies, and more!

I believe there were three forums I really spent my time on, and while I ain’t gonna to get into the specifics here, let me tell you something my friend.

The Universe always rewards when you “give freely with an open heart”

At that point, I had NO intentions of making money off any of this or even starting a business.

But I participated anyway, and one of the ladies (truly a PIONEER when it comes to femdom) was so happy with my participation that she gave me free access to her members area as well as several GIFTS (and yes, it was unexpected) on my birthday!

And its those small things that keep life interesting and make me love femdom and TRUE HUMAN Interaction more than anything else . . .

Anyway, the point of me saying all this?

Is this . . . that often times, we as fetishists do NOT find a safe “community” to indulge in and talk about our basest fantasies and desires.

We do NOT find an environment conducive to true femdom and while the knowledge in my products goes a long way towards addressing this and you creating your own environment for the same, the fact is it ain’t that easy.

Just a few years ago I created a femdom only WeChat group.

The members were mostly from Fetlife. Heck, I could probably still point you to the thread. . .

And it was FREE. No fees etc.

The downside?

Everyone and their mama joined in, and it soon became a free for all – – a group that did the exact opposite of what I intended it to in the first place.

There was only ONE person in that group who I won’t name that I truly respected for the opinions he brought and the VALUE he provided to the group . . .

Long story short?

That is what I am planning to do on THIS site now.

I’m aiming at creating a “Watson Faithful” membership area for YOU guys – past customers so to speak.

(actually, at the time of writing this the sales page is already UP – HERE – )

This will NOT be open to the general public (well, not those that don’t pass my very stringest “vetting” standards).

And this will be a paid forum (yearly memberships) – – but there will be BENEFITS – galore – one of them being . . . ah, but I won’t let the cat out of the bag as yet! ? . You’ll have to go to the sales page right HERE to learn more . . . ?

For more on this, and how YOU would feel joining in and your thoughts on this idea – email me back – or use the contact form on the site – and let me know!

Or (and as many are) if you’re already sold on Watson (and most of our fans HAVE been – for YEARS!) then go on and ahead and click the “get it now” button on the site.

I look forward to your responses (while I build the membership section, as I’ve already gotten a few favorable responses to this).

And, I look forward to welcoming the true femdom lover onboard – PRONTO!


Mike Watson

P.S. – In case you’re new to the site, well, I’d recommend you get to KNOW Mike Watson and his products FIRST. To start off, here is where you can pick up some of our books on Chinese femdom –

P.S #2 – If you’re a true SISSY, then THESE courses will appeal to you – Cock Worship for true SISSIES and FAGGOTS – and Cuck Central.

P.P.S – And for those of you humiliation aficionados, Princess Joanie in Humiliation Central is just what the lovely doc (pun intended?) . . . ORDERED! YESSSSSSS! ?

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