Well, well, well!
The weekend seems to be shaping up very well indeed, and it looks to be a weekend of pure DOMINANCE, or potential dominance at any rate.
Ms. Jocelyn, or should I say Madam Jocelyn, or perhaps perfect Madam Jocelyn for one.
She’s known me barely two days, and I don’t know if I wrote about the two videos she sent me – – ah, but I think I did!
And while those two left me with a gigantic hard on, so did the picture of her legs and FEET she sent, and when she invited me out tonight for a “hair wash” it was all I could do not to accept it – for now (because I was working on a project).
Madam Jojo once said “I’m kind of a work animal”, but that Chinglish description seems to fit me right, and that’s good of course – – both from a writing standpoint, and femdom (the more I work, the more she relaxes, hehe! ? ).
And I haven’t mentioned Miss Shu, or maybe I did?
I met her online (again, she added me) a day or so ago, about the same time as I met Perfect Madam Jocelyn, and she is one girl that truly DOES remind me of the (until now) incomparable Madam PEARL.
Yes, her of Submissive Musings – Volume #1!
The lovely, dominant financial rapist, and humiliatrix that I was SO privileged to spend time with …
And Madam Shu is much the same!
She’s been video calling me incessantly, and sending me audio notes, and we all know how much I hate those.
And we all know how Jocelyn pretty much kicked my “hate for audio” to the curb, and now, so has the gorgeous Miss Shu.
“Why you no pick up my calls, ***?”
“Are you a fake foreigner?”
“I want to see you and hear your voice!”
And she kept on, on and on at it, and much like WATER wearing down rock, or the tap tap “repetitive” method endorsed by Claude Bristol (and rightly so!) … she finally DID WORE me down, with a giant foot on my head at that (figuratively speaking, but it’ll come soon enough in reality! Hehe).
And as I sent the audio, the floodgates opened, even more.
“Madam, will you hire me someday”, I ventured (my meaning should be clear to you readers!)
“Why would I hire you?” she asked.
“What can you do for me? Massage?”, she continued. This before I had made any mention of her feet, or massaging her …
And I told her she was a Goddess, and that she would do a great job of keeping me underfoot, and controlling me – – as she deserved.
“Of course, Madam!”, I said. “Press your feet, your head, whatever you want. Maybe also do your housework for you, if you so choose …”
“Now I really think you’re Chinese!” she responded.
This of course led to another cat and mouse about me not sending audio notes etc, but at that point she knew I was a foreign devil, of course. Hehe.
And this … “Madam, Chinese men don’t like serving women! It’s usually the other way around …”
And of course, no response to that, hehe, although it’s (unfortunately) true – and for men in GENERAL, not just Chinese men!
“What are you foreign men like?” she then queried, coolly sidestepping the point and question (which is to be expected, boy!)
“Madam, men are all the same”, I responded laughing. “But some like to serve women. Some don’t!”
And we talked for a while.
“I like foot bath! It makes me relax!” she said in the middle (pretty much like Jocelyn, who “likes wash feet pay money”, if you remember!)
“Madam, I should take your shoes off and wash your feet when you come home”, I said. “You deserve it!”
She giggled.
“Do you think all women are Queens?”
And while I was trying to answer in a way she’d understand, she continued.
“I think it is better you call me a Goddess!”
And if there ever was a deal clincher – – that, my friend IS – IT!
(NB – the ***up there in the conversation was the “unsaid” word i.e BOY!)
But words aren’t always necessary as you know, and as Madam went on to sleep, I offered to press her feet, as I did with Pearl every night.
“Goddess, please lie down. Let me press your feet while you sleep, and also bring you water …”
And that was left unsaid, but the vibe coming through from the sticker she sent … well, it might have been slapped out loud at me for all I care!
Hehe … only time will tell what happenes next, but for now, it’s adios. Back soon!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Oh, forgot to mention that I asked her this too “Madam, of course! Goddess Shu is what I’ll call you. Or .. how about “Perfect Goddess Shu””?)
Her response?
“It can be perfect!”
And it is, of course! 😉
P.S #2 – She’s perfect, and so are Chinese Queens in general, and the entire Watson Chinese femdom collection is dedicated to them – right here – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/chinese-femdom/
P.P.S – Also, don’t forget to check out the COMPILATIONS (great value for $$) right here – –https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/compilations/chinese-femdom-compilations/
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