Ok, so I’m gonna go out on a LIMB here, hehe.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and talk about two things – feminism and Nazi feminism – these being two terms that are often misunderstood, and interchangeably used – both by men and women (but more by men).
Big, big mistake in my opinion, and I don’t care if we’re talking vanilla life – or fetish – or a combo therein.
But before we do that – headsup!
I was trawling through my archives on the ‘puter, and I’ve found a book – with a TWIST – a “male on female” twist as it were.
Yes, that is correct!
I’ve often said that you have to RECEIVE to understand how it truly feels (and to ADMINSTER successfully) a.k.a femdom (female on male).
And the same thing holds true for the reverse – or any dynamic. So in my case, I wrote from a male on female perspective – – maledom as it were, and while I did NOT put this story on my site or any others until now – – if there is enough interest, I might just do it!
So let me know if that interests y’all and I’ll be happy to put it up. Might give you yet another sneak peek into this complicated HERE mind – keeping all the principles I talk about normally in terms of attraction etc being completely VALID!
There are MORE books as well … ah, but that’s for another email.
So for now, back to the two terms.
Feminism is something everyone knows, my friend. Equal rights, equal pay, equal everything.
And while I’m FULLY in support of feminism, sometimes it don’t work that way in real life.
Men are naturally expected to earn more, for instance, and while the feminists and especially the Nazi feminists might disagree -it’s true – nigh on TRUE.
A lot of courts etc, for instance, will go so far as to award a woman that earns a LOT more than her man (ex husband) alimony. Said cases have actually HAPPENED in court, and while I’m NOT in favor of this, I AM in favor of what I consider to be the natural order … with a twist, hehe, a FEMDOM twist!
And what do I mean?
Well, for a true femdom lover, everything is inverted and turned on it’s head.
And most importantly, it’s about Madam having her cake, and eating it too!
And that part of it is probably easy enough to understand from a fetish standpoint.
The key though, my friend, is for said Nazi feminist to UNDERSTAND her submissive male properly, and LEARN what really gets him off.
IT may sound counter intuitive, but taking the time to understand your submissive male – – or dominant Lady can REALLY spice up any sort of a relationship, femdom included … and if this understanding is there?
Heck YES! I’d say she should be a Nazi feminist – uber feminist – and more!
It’s always about her, and her having her cake – and eating it too – and that is what makes femdom so appealing, hehe. All it requires is proper communication and UNDERSTANDING – both of each other and your ROLES – and you’re pretty much good to GO!
And that’s today’s mind cracking rant. Delve in, and see where it gets ya!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Too many marriages end up due to sexual incompatibility, which is a real, real pity. Too many marriages also end up because of differences over … yup, you got it. FETISH, and FEMDOM! And while most people don’t realize this, these differences CAN be worked out – if both parties are willing. Where there is a will there is always a way, and there is also a THIRD party involved – that being yours truly. Happy to provide counseling to any of ya’ll if so needed – contact me HERE if so!
P.P.S – Ah, and another thing I’ve found about Nazi feminists is that they’re the best at withholding sex. Mmm! Funny thing, these ladies actually WANT to have sex with their submissive males … and if that ain’t the ultimate mind bender, what is?
For more on this check out the LAST portion of the path breaking “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland” – it may give you a clue as to what I’m talking about!
P.P.S #1 – Women are nigh on just AWESOME in general – Nazi feminist or not! Madam, you RULE – Thank YOU – all!
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