As I was talking to Madam Jojo today, her of the lovely, knowing eyes, with just the right LOOK in her eye, a thought suddenly struck me.
That being one that I shared with Madam first, hehe, but that I’ll share with you now – – and that I’ve shared with EVERY lady I’ve been fortunate enough to have been with.
Every dominant lady, or even a lady in general … and the thought is what I told the lovely, oh-so-dominant-without saying it (as yet) Jojo.
“I’m a lucky man, Madam!”
And as I said this, I counted my blessings again.
To be safe. To be healthy. To have food to eat. To have a business – or several in fact that help me make a living.
Many things … and most of all, GRATITUDE in general! Something that is solely lacking in today’s world, hehe. And that’s not good, my friend.
One of the laws of the Universe is to be grateful for what you HAVE – – as opposed to focusing on what you do NOT have – -so you can receive MORE. That, and also “give” as much as you can – -as much as possible – – and therefore receive more, and given whats going on in the world these days – – and remember, the Universe always “balances the books” in the end if you get my drift – – one has to but wonder how many people actually do what they should be …
Ah, but where was I …!?
I’m lucky – yes – to have met – and SERVED – so many dominant ladies, and especially those from Shanghai, and I often remember telling Madam Pearl this, while I’d sit at her feet and wash them with warm water as she’d sit on the sofa, looking down at me and giggling.
I’d say it when she was slapping me.
I’d say it when she was IRRITATED – and femdom was the LAST thing on her mind – all she wanted was a “waist massage” (yes, it’s not always her feet!) …
And in general. I was lucky – and still am – and as for Madam Jojo, we were discussing our hobbies.
And I told her I was into writing, and fitness and a few others things.
And of course, that she could ask any questions she wanted, and then …. “Madam, one of my hobbies is to COMPLIMENT you!”
“I like your compliments very much” was the “satisfied” response – – and that alone makes it all worth it for me, with one OTHER caveat, as I told her.
“I think compliments should always be true. Do you agree, Madam Jojo?”
And she grinned back. I’m sure she agrees – and so long as she agrees – – I’lll be happy to compliment her all she wants!
I recently wrote a book about 16 affirmations to attract the PERFECT female domina (or relationship) to YOU and I have been so busy that I completely forgot to tell you about it – – and while that little manual can be accessed here (and you true femdom lovers MUST take a look!) – – , the point is that what I’m saying here might as well be another affirmation – – or rule – – that being to compliment her daily, and make sure it’s genuine!
I believe this is a rule I set out in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the mainland” – – and it’s TRUE, my friend.
It’s always all about HER – and as Madam invites me to Shanghai – – well, who knows – – I might well end up there, and then who knows where, hehe.
Well – I DO know – but that’s another tale for another time!
Adios for now – I’ll be sure and keep you posted!!
Mike Watson
P.S. – If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for? Grab the book on affirmations NOW – and start practicing them in YOUR daily life – – NOW! Go right here, my friend – –
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