Dear Reader,
Yesterday’s email to you was about a missed femdom opportunity “of yore” – – back in the day as it were – – and perhaps this one was the BIGGEST opportunity I missed in terms of femdom.
Silly me, and I’m (figuratively) smacking myself right now for it all these years later as Joyce’s lovely “sweet” voice rings in my brain – – and as those knowing eyes, look at me, those eyes, those sunglasses she sometimes wore, that “ungainly yet oh-so-dominantly-sexy gait” (she was overweight I remember mentioning) as she ascended all those stairs for the “troublesome client” as she often referred to me as …
It’s never about her looks – or figure. It’s about the VIBE – her dominant MINDSET!
And since you’ve likely got tired of hearing that, on with the story, hehe.
After the contract was signed, Madam Joyce and Princess Juju promised (grudgingly) to make sure that everything in the apartment was in order – before they left, of course.
And while checking the A/C, before she left (it was one of those old window units) – I found out it wasn’t working.
“Of course it is!” shot back Joyce in an annoyed fashion. “I checked it before …”
She didn’t say “boy”, but by the way she looked at me – she might as well have said “bitch”!!
I wish she had …
The A/C was next to a large sofa, and being she was somewhat short, she had to stand on the sofa.
And as she bent to take her high heels off, I couldn’t help myself.
“Oh, it doesn’t matter! Just stand on it with your shoes, I …” I trailed off.
Joyce pondered this.
“No, it’s the landlady’s”, she replied, grinning at me (though I was the tenant – she didn’t care much about dirtying my sofa – but the landlady – her of the lovely pink tennis shoe – which of course is another tale – no way!).
And as she took her shoes off, she inspected the A/C, and like she said, it was fine. My dumb ass had turned the wrong switch on, apparently …
Joyce on the brain, you think???
As she stepped down, I should have offered to put her shoes on for her (what I should have done differently!).
“Madam, here are your shoes”.
I should have used my fingers as a shoehorn, so she didn’t need to bend down to slip her lovely, soft foot in – the toenails painted that lovely shade of red …
I should have kissed her feet and thanked her!
I should have …ah well!
Another instance comes to mind – this time when my lease was up – and I had to resign the contract (or so Joyce wanted, so she could get her commission).
Being I hadn’t found another apartment as yet, I figured what the heck. Might as well.
Madam drew up the contract in a most unprofessional manner, and when I asked her to rectify the errors – long story short – this is what she told.
“Thats how it is!”
I still remember the annoyed look on her face, the toenails painted light green this time, and the look in the eye. How dare the foreign devil even DARE to question a Chinese Queen?
Later that night I decided enough was enough, and I told her I was sorry, but I couldn’t resign for another year.
“Then why you bla bla bla so much before!!” was her response.
I mean to say – what? Is that any way to talk to a client??
But for Joyce – clients were nothing but the dirt under her lovely feet – especially clients like me, hehe.
“I prepared the contract for you before. We discussed before. Now you bla bla so much!” she went furiously.
Sounds like something out of one of my novels, I know, but its true – which is why I keep saying – reality mixed in with a dash of creative license!
“And don’t message me again at night!” was her parting response (although it was barely 8 PM and the office hadn’t even closed for the night – these rental agencies stay open late in China).
I told her I wouldn’t, and that she was by far the rudest agent I had ever met, and that I did NOT need her services any more.
From a vanilla standpoint that was exactly what I should have done – and did.
From a femdom standpoint, it was the biggest darn mistake I made – and I often remember wanting to message her after that – apologizing – and perhaps begging to buy her a gift – perhaps more shoes – or something!
I actually DID contact her a year or so later – but that is another tale altogether!
Let me know if you like this series – I’ll have more on Joyce in the next email most likely. I’ll also feature the gorgeous Princess Juju in it – be on the outlook for it!
Mike Watson
P.S. – If real life humiliation like Joyce meted out is your thang, then Humiliation Central is JUST the ticket for you, my friend. Grab it right here – –
P.S #2 – These emails are little more than “whetting the appetite”, by the way. There are SO MANY things Joyce did when I finally did message her again – stuff of your dreams – literally – but you’ll have to wait for the novel for that, hehe.
PPS – Madam Joyce – – until next time … I still remember being forced to lick the dirt under your feet as you sip your red wine … as you deserve!!
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