Dear Reader,
Believe it or not, when I first met Madam Pearl online, she wasn’t the “dominant force of nature” that I’ve made her out to be – at least, she didnt appear that way at all.
She looked like a normal 26 year old Chinese gal – sexy, beautiful (to me at least!) – and fun loving for the most part – and of course, keenly interested in MONEY, hehe – but most of all, the girl was SMART!
Or should I say Madam – or Princess – or Mistress, as she soon became later!
Believe it or not though, the first hint she gave me of being interested in femdom was when I offered to carry her groceries for her – a day or so after meeting her in person – groceries that were so light that even a five year old could probably have lugged it back home – and of course, it didn’t help that I asked if I could carry her purse as well.
Now bear in mind, guys carrying “Their” women’s purses isn’t really that uncommon in mainland China – and doesnt have the negative (at least outwardly, hehe) connotations that it does in the West of the guy being “gay”, or a “faggot” – or a “pussy” – or anything of that nature.
I never did understand the need for such labels – but they DO make for fun during humiliation role play, hehe.
Anyway, for me it was more about helping her – and the sheer thrill of my Western mindset (mixed in with a bit of Asian, hehe) telling me that I was doing something “faggot like” – or “cuck like”, if you would!
And soon after that, I begged her for permission to buy her (by now world famous, hehe) facial kit – – which she declined, and .. well, the rest is history, my dear reader. It all started with that short red dress I bought her, and as I’d often sit at her feet (on the cold cement floor usually, hehe) after work, with her wearing that EXACT same dress — T.V. remote in hand – cell phone in the other – and usually a glass of bubbly by her side.
And I’d be rubbing her feet while they were immersed in warm water, and occasionally her legs as well.
And occasionally, she’d lean forward and smack me on the back of the head ever so slightly.
“Not that way, bitch!”, she’d say, telling me to massage her “just as she liked”, hehe.
Or, “the water’s cold, boy!” (even though it wasn’t – that smack sent me scurrying to get more warm water for her, as she giggled, and watched me with that look in the eye).
Sometimes, it would be a light tap on the balls as I’d kneel before her on all fours, “doggy” style for my “milking”.
And so forth. And the reason all of this was such a turn on was the sheer humiliation (she is more than 10 years younger than me, hehe) — and the sheer cerebral manner in which said humiliation was meted out.
It wasn’t just a smack on the head, period. No, it was a smack on the head – accompanied by the right words – at the right time – during the right ACT!
And that, my friends, is what made it all the more alluring – and that is what I love about femdom – humiliation – and BDSM in general. All of it is truly CEREBRAL – and if after meeting the dominant lady of your dreams you don’t get addicted instantly – well – either she is NOT really into it (trust me – if she is – it WILL be cerebral by default) or you’re not.
Or .. I’ll be a monkey’s uncle as they say, hehe. Hey, thats another idea for humiliation. Goddess Priyanka and her cronies made me moo like a cow — why not squeal like a monkey on red hot bricks too, hehe.
And that, my friend is that for now. Lesson of the day – BDSM is more cerebral than anything else. And the sooner you realize that, the better!
Mike Watson
P.S. – – I don’t know why, but smacks on the BACK of the head are especially delicious (read humiliating, hehe). Princess Joanie knew plenty such OTHER ways to humiliate me – – and I’ve detailed how that regal lady did it it – – right here (this course has received RAVE reviews, btw) – –
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