Dear Reader,
Many of you will remember Sophia Bai very well – her of the two (I believe it was) novels – – and two sequels as well, hehe (featuring the imperious Madam Su as well, who did SO much for me in terms of taking me deeper and deeper into the world of cuckoldry..).
But some of you will remember another Sophia – another Princess, if I might say so – her of the “big, strong, and not elegant feet!”
Go back and read the post if you don’t – and while she still isn’t quite convinced that yours truly could care less about her feet not being elegant, she hasn’t forgotten the original question she asked me months ago when we first met, hehe.
And I spoke with her yesterday – and she was at it again.
The conversation started off with me sending her a couple of photos of a gal I saw online – and asking her what her thoughts were.
Cardinal sin, I know, asking Madam (or even daring to ask her) if another woman was sexy – – and her response did NOT disappoint me one bit, hehe.
“Are you always searching about the sex things???” she demanded.
She didn’t actually say “boy”, as the incomparable Sophia Bai would have, but she might well have!
I then told her about my writing etc (which I had told her about before, hehe, but as expected she had forgotten all about that – preferring indeed to focus upon the MOST important thing – – ah, but we’ll get to that shortly too!).
“What you would write if I were with you now?” she asked?
“Serving Sophia”, I ventured.
“Or, Meeting Ms. Sophia (unless you prefer Mrs, hehe)” I continued.
“It’s sexy sometimes, you know. Younger girl > Older man” … I said (I’m excerpting from the overall conversation here)
“Haha, yeah!”, she responded.
“Sophia, her of the lovely eyes that cast a spell over me. Sophia, the …”
She interrupted me at that point as is her wont and as she often does. As she should, I suppose!
“I am still curious about it”, she replied.
“About what?” I asked.
She ignored the question, and didn’t answer.
“But you don’t tell me!”
“Whats your deposit???!”, she continued!
And while the rest of the conversation continued per what you’d expect, hehe, bear in mind this is a gal that has flat out told me “you can never have sex with me!”
And – – “I’ll never give you a blow job, boy!” (sans the boy, but thats what she meant).
And little does she know (well, actually she does, hehe) – – that that is precisely what yours truly wants as well! 😉
The perfect cuckoldress she could be – – the perfect Domina – – interested in one thing, and one thing alone – – my money – – and being a “soulmate”, hehe as opposed to a lover.
And that, my friend is what I love about this lady – – and that is precisely why I started chatting to her all those months ago. That look in the eye, as I often say!
And that’s that for today. I will keep you posted on how it goes later on, hehe.
Mike Watson
P.S. – Before posing that question about bank balances, she sent me a picture of her lovely, perfectly manicured soft fingers painted a shade of light pink. She’s nothing if not SMART, hehe, and KNOWS what true subs get off on!
P.S #2 – Being a soulmate is the first step on your way to becoming a true male submissive (and in case you’re interested – a true CUCK as well). Princess Joanie knew this better than most, and all I’m doing is being the “messenger boy” – as I should, hehe in terms of what she taught me – – right here —
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