I’ve spoken before at length about how the lovely Madam Pearl weaved a web around me, both literally and figuratively speaking – from the very moment I met her online.
She added me on WeChat (ah, WeChat, you beauty! ;)) one fine night – – and though I was engaged in one of my numerous teaching sojourns at the time (something I never quite liked but did because … well, if you read my stories, you’ll know why I did it!), I added her back the next day after a bit of a gap.
And she responded instantly, and the rest is … well, HISTORY as they say!
In a short while I was not only buying her pink dresses – – but I was also talking about her ex boyfriend’s dick (apparently mine was “bigger”, though his wasn’t “small) – – the “old man she met” who she “gypped” out of an iPhone and then disappeared (good on her!) – her cranky boss at work – – and of course, future shopping lists, all sent as promptly to me on the phone almost as if they were weekly BILLS for me to pay.
Pay for her, of course, and so it should be. 😉 She was one of the most gorgeous ladies I’ve been with, and by gorgeous I don’t mean “face” or “figure” alone.
No – it was her MINDSET – an open mindset that really attracted to me her when I first met her, and of course, the two minds met only because of mutual interest in femdom and findom (although yes, those desires were suppressed in her mind initially but they quickly came to the fore with a bit of “prodding” as it were!).
I’ve detailed most of this history – at least the “spicy” parts of it in the first edition of Submissive Musings. I haven’t gotten around to future Volumes – yet – and that brings to me Princess Jessi, the heroine of today’s post. 😉
Last night I was searching around on the Internet for something completely unrelated to what we’re referring to – for another biz of mine as it were.
And I found a blog proclaiming abundance – in all it’s shapes, forms and guises.
Well, not entirely that – – but that was the mindset of the person writing it, and being I’m a huge believer in abundance myself I found myself reading the lady’s blog – – something I generally never do unless the person interests me.
And as I saw her picture, I knew why I was reading it.
It wasn’t so much her writing as it was her picture – – and though there was nothing out of the ordinary about it (no glam, no glitter) – it was EXACTLY the same as a picture Madam Pearl sent to me when we first met.
I know NOT where Pearl is these days – perhaps back in Hunan and married (happily, I hope, to a submissive slut ;)) – – but this lady looked exactly the same – – and judging from the fancy handbags and pictures etc she posted, she’s got a financial mindset very similar to Madam Pearl as well!
In other words, she could be a Brit version of Madam Pearl … and hence the term “bootboy comes to mind.
I can just imagine it now.
“Here you go, footboy! Nice and dirty for you xx” (As Madam Pearl would say when she sent me sole shots – which I’d pay for, of course! ;)).
“Fetch me a drink, bootboy!” (that term seems appropriate being she’s apparently in Britain – I’m not sure why, but it does!).
I once wrote a book (well, the first Volume) about serving a lovely white British lady – – and though I haven’t gotten around to completing that book, it was the one that popped into my mind as I wrote this post – – and sure enough, there is a BOOT on the cover!
Here is the book URL for those interested – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Her-Brown-Slut-Part-Three-ebook/dp/B00KBIW4C8/ref=sr_1_17?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1540265702&sr=1-17&refinements=p_27%3AMike+Watson.
Like I said, I haven’t gotten around to future Volumes on this one either – but let me know if there is interest, and I will!
The Universe is indeed abundant and does indeed give us what our hearts desire the most. I’ve written about this galore in my books and writings, and here is proof once again that if you truly, truly desire a Dominant lady in your heart of hearts, the Universe will do all it can to GIVE you that lady – if you only OPEN yourself up to it!
Or should I say, open your SUBCONSCIOUS mind up to what you really, really want deep down inside after it’s all said and done.
What you really, really want – – once we get beyond the social media, blather, and fluff of “what you should want”.
What you SHOULD want is what you REALLY want – – and that is what you end up getting usually anyway!
OK – that’s it for now. I’m back to ruminating on Princess Jessi. She’s got lovely feet from what I can see too, so … 😉
Mike Watson
P.S. – Desire plus action equals results, and in terms of finding the right lady to worship, most guys are going about it the wrong way entirely (especially if you’re talking Chinese ladies). Here is a manual I put out there to rectify just THIS – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/for-true-male-subs/
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